Who We Are

Thursday, December 9, 2010


We just got back from the doctor a little bit ago, everything is fine!  Our regular doctor wasn't there, so we saw another one on staff and she was great.  She measured the baby at 2.14 cm, which is a good amount of growth in just a few days, and said the heartbeat was strong, the yolk sack looked healthy, and there was nothing to worry about.  She reassured me that an absence of symptoms does not equal a miscarriage.  I thought it was a possibility when Dr. Heller asked earlier this week if I had symptoms and said she would be concerned if I didn't have any.  This baby growing is scary business!  I know I'll be relieved in a few weeks when I'm out of that really fragile first trimester.  And Glen has been a champ in all of this, so reassuring.  He's going to be a fantastic dad.

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