Who We Are

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Post Checkup

Everything was wonderful at our first checkup!  It was a couple weeks ahead of schedule, so seeing our Sweet Pea on the ultrasound was kind of difficult.  It was just a tiny speck on the screen, but within that tiny speck was a definite flicker of light...the heartbeat!  We got a picture, but I think we'll get another one when we go back on December 6th.  I'll be 8 weeks along by then, so there will be something to measure and perhaps more defined features?  Our Dr., Dr. Heller is really cool.  I wanted to make sure Glen and I connected with our doctor, and we did.  She was so laid back and nice and I am looking forward to getting to know her over the next 40 weeks.  If you are in the Portland area and looking for an ob/gyn, definitely look into Dr. Heller.  And she gave us free stuff!  I got a bunch of prenatal vitamins, a tote bag with a water bottle (Glen was really excited about it until he noticed it said "Gateway Women's Clinic" on it), a book, and some other loot.  Also, here's my baby!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First Prenatal Appointment

First checkup
The last week or so I've been having pain on my left side. Besides that I have had zero pregnancy symptoms! No morning sickness, no soreness, I haven't even been quite as tired. It was making me nervous so I called my doctor to see if there was cause to be alarmed. She didn't sound nervous in the least, but appreciated my call and offered to move my appointment up to today! Originally the first appointment was supposed to be a week from Friday, the 3rd. Since it's today, it's going to be more difficult to hear a heartbeat, but we are praying it's there, and strong! More details to come.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

We're having a baby!

It's true, we are. And our baby's gonna be awesome! And by awesome, part of what I mean, maybe even what I mostly mean is that we're gonna have a cute baby. No more shall we have to look around at other peoples' kids and say, "Ah, that's a cute kid." NO! Now we'll have a cute kid and we'll be able to look at other peoples' kids and say, "Their kid used to be cute, but now they're almost ugly compared to our kid." (That may or may not actually happen.)

Point number two. This point has more to do with me and this blog than it does with the baby. It's kind of selfish, I know. But I'm not a father yet, so I can still think of myself from time-to-time, right? Of course I can. Anywho, I had to come up with a display name for myself and I wanted to make it Pater Familias, because that's how Ulysses Everett McGill referred to himself in O Brother, Where Art Thou? and I've always thought it was funny. I decided against it, though. And, I think that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Until next time...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh, Those Emotions...

It's Saturday morning and Glen is at work.  There is so much baking to do for Lisa's birthday party tonight, but I'm taking some time to relax this morning and catch up on my tivo'd Oprah episodes.  The one that was just on was about teen heartthrobs over the years, where are they now, the fans who loved them, etc.  It was fun to watch various fans get surprised by their adolescent celeb crushes, and a couple times I got slightly choked up watching that moment when they are face to face with these men for the first (and only! haha) time.  In one of the final segments, Oprah surprises one of her staff members at a meeting with an impromptu Peter Frampton performance.  He steps into the room and begins playing an acoustic version of "Baby I Love Your Way"...and I lost it.  I started crying, like REALLY crying!  I was so touched and I just love that song, it's such a beautiful love song and I begin to remember how much I love music and I miss singing and Peter Frampton is such a good artist and I am sobbing on the couch and laughing at myself.  This beautiful little baby is sending my emotions on a roller coaster! 

Do I dare watch the next episode with Barbara Streisand?  ;)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Never the Same Again

Thursday morning, November 11th, I woke up before my alarm went off.  I was laying there when I thought to myself, "I'm going to take a pregnancy test.  I highly doubt I'm pregnant, but I'm 5 days late, so either I'm pregnant or something is wrong and I need to go to the doctor.  I'm never late."  So I rolled out of bed, so sure it was going to be negative.  After all, we've only been trying for three months.  I was prepared to wait a lot longer.  I took the test and didn't bother watching it, just crawled back in bed for a couple minutes before rolling out once again to check on it.  I picked up the test and my stomach dropped to my feet.  "Are those two lines?  Two lines?! I'm pregnant?!"  I immediately walked into our room and flicked on the light (poor Glen was still asleep). "Glenny, you need to see this" I said as I crawled next to him.  It took him a few seconds before he realized what the little test in my hand was indicating. "Oh.  Oh my.  We're gonna have a baby!"  We talked about it a little bit and prayed for our little one.  I was floating throughout the rest of the day, not really sure what to do next.  According to a due date calculator on babycenter.com, I was 4 1/2 weeks along in my pregnancy, SO early. We knew anything could happen, and unfortunately, it's common for babies in the very early stages to not make it.  We discussed the possibility of that, knowing that it would be a few weeks before I could even see a doctor, but we decided to trust the Lord and know that He has our best in mind.  But I was already falling in love with that little blob of rapidly multiplying cells in my belly.