Who We Are

Sunday, April 10, 2011

So many things!

Goodness, so many things have been taking place, and I have not taken the time to write about them here!  It's strange how quickly life gets busy without you even realizing it.  It's already the second week of April, which means Glen will be done with his semester in about 4 weeks, will (hopefully) start to work full time, and then I can either scale my work hours waaay back, or stop working altogether.  It would be nice to take this summer easy, get ready for baby, and other things coming up...hence the so many things to write about.  I'm not going to do one giant post, though.  I'm going to break it up into a few posts. 

We went home the last couple weeks of March, and my sisters threw me an awesome baby shower.  We came home and found out the full time job Glen was supposed to have might not actually be, so we've been praying through that and waiting to see what happens.  I found out last week that I have gestational diabetes, which is why it would be good to take it easy this summer, since I'll have more doctor's appointments than other women in their third trimester.  And speaking of which, I'm only a week and a half away from my third trimester!  This pregnancy has gone by pretty fast, and has been fairly easy.  I feel so blessed!  The last thing I want to write about is the fact that Glen and I have decided to move back to California in August, after Oliver is born.

Like I said...lots of changes have taken place and are on the horizon.  But as a good friend reminded us the other night at dinner, even though we have so many new cool things and kind of scary things going on and in our future, the one thing we are certain of is who we are in Christ and that He is Lord and center of our lives.  That's what matters, and that's what we cling to. 

1 comment:

  1. I do hope you are able to get some rest from time to time. Sorry to hear about having gestational diabetes. My sister had it. No fun. Hopefully, it will go by quickly for you. Take it easy.
