Who We Are

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All Honor, All Glory, All Praise to You

The title of this post is a line from a worship song we sing in church.  One night (before we knew we were having a baby) we sang this song and I was struck with the feeling that the Lord was going to allow us to go through some trying times, and at the end of the day, Glen and I needed to be able to say "All honor, all glory all praise to You".  I was a little worried, but I so wanted to be in a place where I can honestly say that I will praise God in every circumstance.

Since then we have found out wonderful news as well as tough news.  We found out we're having a baby, I got a job, we have been fortunate enough to get some government assistance with medical and food costs.  On the flip side, finding a job was tough, and when one I got one, the hours instantly dropped from 40 to 10 per week.  Our car broke down and we didn't have enough money to fix it and pay our bills for the month.  Finding a new job to go with or replace this one has been a grueling process.  I'm tired and scared we won't be able to afford to live here any longer. 

All honor, all glory, all praise to You.

I see the Lord's hand, every day.  He encourages me through peoples words of wisdom, even when they don't know they are saying things I need to hear.  On Sunday our pastor was praying after the first worship set, and it seemed like every word was direct intercession on my and Glen's behalf.  The Lord is here with us.  He knows our fears and our troubles.  He is not leaving us to figure it out and struggle alone.  There have been struggles, and they may continue, but it will never be more than we can handle.  These struggles and fears have not diminished the love Glen and I have for one another, nor the love we have for the Lord.  In fact, it is stronger.  Every day we have together is that much sweeter, every time we laugh together is that much louder and more joyful, and every time we pray for our baby, our family, our friends and our current circumstances is that much more earnest and heartfelt.  Because the Lord is here with us, strengthening us, and we have full confidence in that.

All honor, all glory, all praise to You.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about rough times. We have been through those times and again and again the Lord has been our Jehovah Jireh. Praying for your family.
