Who We Are

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Wonderful Feeling

This last week has marked a fun milestone:  

I'm beginning to feel the baby move!

It's so fun to lay still and spend time focusing on the baby each day, giving every bit of my attention to waiting for a little bit of movement inside of me. My doctor suggested laying on my side in a quiet room, after I had something really cold to drink, and pressing my hands on my belly.  Some people describe it as feeling like when you have butterflies in your stomach.  I guess it is kind of a fluttering sensation, but it's lower than your stomach (or at least it is for me right now, until the baby gets bigger).  It feels so wonderful to know that even of I can't see our baby or hold it and shower it with kisses, we can still bond and share special moments together.  Of course, all our little one knows is that it's floating around and suddenly having joints to move.  But someday s/he will know that it was I who carried them every day, thought about them all day and every night, prayed for their development in this critical time and spent hours dreaming of who they will be, what they will look like, what their hobbies/dreams/quirks might be. 

Glen and I pray for the baby's spiritual life once s/he is born.  We long for our children to come to know and love the Lord at a young age and grow to have a heart that beats for Him.  We pray that we will be parents who model Christ's love, not merely telling our child to obey Christ and love Him, but showing him/her what that looks like through our own lives.  What a huge and humbling responsibility the Lord is giving us! 

Pray with us, please, as we prepare for this new season of our lives!

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful that you are praying for your baby's spiritual life already. I think more moms need to do that. Here's a wonderful resource that I use for a little daily reminder. http://www.inspiredtoaction.com/wp-content/uploads/kat/I2A_Prayer_Calendar.pdf

